Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Wisdom, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Wisdom, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Existential thinking is a crucial keyword in contrast to metaphysical-conceptual thought. For Heidegger, existential thought is directed towards the truth of Being, is based on openness, and occurs in events. It does not possess a representational attitude, which awaits the occurrence of truth. Similarly, in the teachings of Ibn Arabi, existential thinking can be discussed as having the characteristics of contemplation and a journey from falsehood to truth. It begins with attentiveness and openness to the truth of Being, is strengthened by existential refinement and detachment from attachments, and results in the unveiling of the veil and the vision of the whole in the part and the absolute in the contingent. In this article, the author aims to provide a comparative study of the roots of existential thinking from the perspectives of these two thinkers using an analytical method and to reveal their shared non-metaphysical foundations. These shared roots include the truth of Being, the distinction between Being and beings, openness to Being, truth as the Alethia, the relationship of humans with Being, and finally, the duality of event-manifestation of Being. Although the distinctions and divergences between these two thinkers, such as differences in their respective worlds, historical contexts, and methods, cannot be overlooked, the convergence of their approaches in the realm of thought heralds the possibility of dialogue and shared discourse.


Main Subjects

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