Peer Review Process

After submitting the paper to the author by system, paper will be primarily studied based on publishing experts (maximum a week). (Please study the guideline of authorscarefully to expedite set up the paper as precise as codification guidelines in system and then submit). If it is accepted in first stage, paper will be assessed by editor.

A weekly email will be submitted to the reviewers and the paper will be given back due to lack of paper review after one month, then it will be sent to another reviewer. Based on requested modifications level, the viewpoints of reviewers , the accuracy and speed of the modifications done by authors, being accepted in this publication takes about one year ( in case of final approval by reviewers) . Secretary specialist and scientific committee based on relevant content and subject. This stage will usually take two months. After third phase acceptance, paper will be sent to two reviewers, then the review process of the paper is as following :

  •   If two reviewers reject a paper, it will be disapproved
  •   If the opinion of two reviews is total revision of the paper, paper will be submitted to the author for revision
  •   If a reviewer`s opinion is general revision and the second one rejects the paper, the essay will be submitted to third reviewer and according to  his idea relevant to the first and second item, decision will be made.
  •  When the author modified the paper and submitted, the paper would be given to another reviewer for comparative  assessment.