Guide for Authors
Dear Authors,
For publishing your manuscript in the journal of Western Philosophy please follow the following process:
- First choose the option of registration in the system through the page of entrance.
- Fill up all signed words such as name, surname, and so on.
- Save all data and send your manuscript by username and password sent to you through your email address.
Sending Acceptable Manuscripts to the Referees
Journal of Western Philosophy appreciates manuscripts in various philosophical fields of Western philosophy including History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Continental Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, and Philosophy of Science, etc. Necessarily, all manuscripts should be based on scholarly and data-based studies and extracted from research works. Moreover, they should be enough creative and innovative in order to make remarkable contribution to its field of study.
Content and Structure of the Manuscripts
- The manuscripts published in the Journal of Western Philosophy reflect the views of the authors rather than that of the journal.
- The policy of the journal is to accept comparative, analytic, innovative and descriptive articles, rather than translated or collected manuscripts.
- The Journal is allowed to accept, reject or edit the manuscripts.
- Manuscripts should be relevant to the fields of the journal.
- Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be already published or under the consideration by any other internal or external journal.
- Manuscripts should have the following items: the name of authors, institutional affiliation, abstract in Persian and English, key words, introduction, the section of explanation and analysis, and conclusion. English extract should be of 1000 - 1100 words along with the list of sources in English.
- Manuscripts should be submitted in two files. The first file contains the name of the authors, their academic ranks, institutional affiliations, email address, phone number and title of the manuscript. If the author has no institutional affiliation should declare his university degree as well as the name of his university. The second file contains the text without the name of the author or authors.
- Direct or indirect reference to the authors in the text, footnotes or the name of the file should be avoided.
- The sequence of the names of the authors depends on the level of their contribution. If it is equal, then the sequence should be in alphabetical order of the authors' names. Inserting titles such as Dr. Prof. Eng. etc. before the names should be avoided.
- The length of abstract (in Persian and English) should be of 150 - 250 words.
- Key words (in Persian or English) should be of 5 - 7 words as extracted from the abstract, and should be relevant to the main issue of the text.
- The length of the text should not exceed 6000 - 8000 words in A4 page and all lines should be single spaced with font size 13 point (lotus for Persian) and font size 12 point (Times New Roman for English) in Word 2013.
- References should be made in the text and follow APA manual: surname of the author, year of publication with page number in parenthesis (e.g., Jahangiri, 1366: 210).
- Concerning non-Persian works, data should be in original language (e.g., Kant, 2003:116).
- Where the author has published more than one work in a year, they should be specified in alphabetical order such as a, b, etc. after citation of the year of publication they will be distinct from each other (e.g. 1994a).
- Sources in Persian and English should be inserted alphabetically based on surnames as follows:
- Book: surname of the author, name (year of publication), name of book in italic, name of translator, place of publication, name of publication.
- Article: surname of the author, name (year of publication), "title of article" name of translator name of journal in italic, journal number, page number of the article.
Internet sources: surname of the author, name (date of accessibility), "title of article" (or internet journal, volume no. (year)) page/paragraph, internet address.
Respected authors should download the forms of written undertaking and the conflict of interest and after filling up and signing the form submit it along with the paper.