Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Philosophy, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associated Professor, Department of Philosophy, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Heidegger considers the history of philosophy as the history of the development of metaphysical subjectivism, so the end of philosophy is the perfection of metaphysics. He wants to break away from metaphysical subjectivism. The purpose of this article is to remove the answer to the question of whether there is a relationship between Hermetic ideas and Heidegger's thought. I mean by Hermetic ideas as the unity of thinking and Being, or a non-dualistic view, different from subject-object one, between man and the world, and whether these ideas can help us break away from metaphysics. In the teachings of Hermes, the fate of philosophy is predicted as going to destruction. Hermes has spoken about the unity of thought and the universe, he has given man, a prestigious position on the level of the gods, whose duty is to protect the world and complete creation. Heidegger considers thinking and Being in unity and considers the truth of man to be part of Being that should be the guardian of the truth of Being with his existence. In this regard, Hermes and Heidegger have spoken of two types of consciousness, namely "Nous" and "Logos", and they try to defend Nous against the dominance of Logos.


Main Subjects

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