Document Type : Original Article
1 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran
2 MA in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran
The main subject posited by Heidegger in his philosophy is existence. He believes that this subject has been neglected in the history of Western philosophy after Plato and Aristotle and it that it has been replaced by epistemology. In the modern era, he has made a lot of efforts to the revitalization of the forgotten subject, “existence”. He endeavored to transcend beyond the conceptual realm of existence and get to the objective and concrete depth of existence. To achieve this goal, Heidegger looks for a way of identifying existence; for the same reason, he becomes more inclined toward human beings. From his perspective, humans are the only beings capable of asking about existence and they are the sole manifestations able to grant meaning to all the other phenomena. The question about existence can only come about through the creatures because existence is latent inside all of them and its solution lies in the analysis and investigation of the concrete reality of existence. The present article tries briefly evaluating the thoughts of this German philosopher about the existence.
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