Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Education, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


This study focuses on Karl Jaspers' view of human beings and the processes they go through until they realize their existence by reaching self-consciousness. The author uses the conceptual analysis research method of interpretation and concept expansion to clarify Jaspers' concepts of human existential states and tries to provide a better understanding of human existence. According to Jaspers, man's orientation to himself, grasping his existence, and becoming conscious of his existence is a process that goes towards “Existenz”. This process has a hierarchical structure in itself. Jaspers speaks of four different types of human existence: “Dasein”, “collective consciousness”, “spirit” and “Existenz”. After completing these levels of existence, the man comes to the stage of “Existenz”. This process is completed by special signs, such as freedom, communication, and border situations, which Jaspers has called “signs that illuminate existence”. However, it is only possible for a person to come to a true state of existence and to realize himself through the “Transcendent”.


Main Subjects

Blackham, H. (1961) Six Existentialist Thinkers, London: Routledge.##
Bochenski, J. M. (1961) Contemporary European Philosophy, University of California Press.##
Bollnow, O. F. H. (1955) Existenzphilosophie, Kohlhammer.##
Heidegger, M. (2019) Being and Time, trans. by E. S. Robinson & John Macquarie, Martino Fine Books.##
Jaspers, K. (1951) Way to Wisdom: an Introduction to Philosophy, trans. by Ralph Manheim. London: Glance.##
Jaspers, K. (1956) Philosophie: II. Existenzerhellung, Springer.##
Jaspers, K. (1967) Philosophical Faith and Revelation, Harper & Row.##
Jaspers, K. (1971). Einfuhrung in die Philosophie, Piper.##
Kierkegaard, S. (1941) The Sickness unto Death, trans. with an introduction by Walter Lowrie, Princeton University Press.##
Miron, R. (2004) “From Opposition to Reciprocity: Karl Jaspers on Science, Philosophy, and What Lies between Them”, International Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 147-163.##
Wallraff, Ch. (1970) Karl Jaspers: an Introduction to His Philosophy, Princeton University Press.##
Weischedel, W. (2009) The Philosophy Backstairs, China Commercial Publishing House.##