Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Philosopy, Theology and Ethics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA Student in Philosophy, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Neurotheology is one of the interdisciplinary fields of humanities and medical knowledge that examines the intersection between neurology, psychology, and religious experiences. Andrew Newberg, an American doctor and researcher, is one of the pioneers of this field, and in his works, he has investigated the neural foundations of spiritual and religious experiences. This article aims to critically analyze Newberg's views in the field of neurotheology using the descriptive-analytical method. Therefore, the theoretical foundations of neurotheology and Newberg's views in this field will be introduced. Then, we will critically examine these views by referring to the challenges and limitations of their methodology and theoretical foundations. In this chapter, it is shown that Newberg's opinions in the field of neurotheology face several challenges. Among them are the limitations of the methodology, which in Newberg's studies is mainly based on using brain imaging methods such as fMRI. These methods face limitations in studying mental and spiritual experiences. Another challenge is the incomplete theoretical foundations of Newberg's views in the field of theology of nerves because their foundations are based on material reductionism. This approach ignores the role of immaterial and spiritual factors in religious experiences, and finally, despite Newberg's valuable efforts, his views in the field of neurotheology are not without flaws and violations. To present a comprehensive and accurate picture of religious experiences, comprehensive theoretical and methodological approaches are needed that include the role of various factors, both material and spiritual, in these experiences.


Main Subjects

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