Document Type : Original Article
1 Professor of Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
2 PhD in Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
The purpose of the current research is to understand the course of time, the place and concept of authenticity, and the explanation of the responsibility of existence based on Heidegger's views in two works, The Concept of Time and Existence and Time. In this research, an attempt has been made to achieve Heidegger's point of view on this topic with an objective understanding and free of misunderstanding by using Schleiermacher's hermeneutic analysis method. The method of working in this analysis was based on the rotation of partial to general interpretation and general to partial interpretation of the text; This means that the partial interpretations are based on the general understanding of the text and the general understanding is based on the partial interpretation of the sentences of the text. In the interpretations of each part, grammar and technical features (author's psychology) have been paid attention to and understanding has been achieved based on them. In total, two inductive and analogical approaches have been used in obtaining interpretations. The findings of the research indicate that Heidegger considers time to be a special existence for Dasein; That is, a kind of evaluative mechanism of existence with a future-oriented return to being or the past, which seeks to bring Dasein to its special place in existence. Existence has a mechanism of individuality and contradiction, which are joined together by unity. Being sees Dasein as a means of individualizing and giving meaning to beings and themselves, which, while giving existence to it, comes from it. The responsibility of Dasein is understood in recognizing its special place in nature, that despite its temporal existence, at the point of originality, it can reach the individuality of the other and itself, and by being-toward-death, connect itself to the center of integration, such a point is the originality that It can be defined in Dasein.
- hermeneutics
- the passage of time
- authenticity
- responsibility for existence
- Martin Heidegger's opinions
Main Subjects