Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Political Thought, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Political Thought, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Psychoanalysis and semiology constitute two theoretical arms of Kristeva. Semiology is concerned with the formation of meaning. The main ideas that Kristeva developed in his psychoanalytic thought can be interestingly found useful in political theory. The research of this thinker about the formation of subjectivity shows that political matters deeply shape the inner experience of every speech. Emphasizing Freud's two main concepts - the death drive and primary narcissism - Kristeva shows how fragile it is to move from this early stage of differentiation to the development of a place in the socio-symbolic and political world. In the prehistory of every individual, there is an archaic past before entering the social realm. This archaic past lives eternally in the unconscious. Both Freud and Kristeva see this archaic past in the form of a pre-Oedipal relationship with the mother. This memory is the source of passion and desire. But Kristeva also notes how this archaic past, or semiotic Chora continues to threaten to abolish or destabilize symbolic meaning and territory. This Chora is a source of revolt. She directs his theoretical attention to the moments when this protective maternal environment is destroyed, to the abyss of meaninglessness that opens and to the crisis that leads the infant to his first social identities. How well or poorly this process is done, has deep political effects.


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