Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Philosophy of Education, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Educational Sciences Department, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Iran


The development of rational faculties that distinguish humans from other living beings is a topic of interest to scientists and philosophers from various perspectives. It is also a challenging topic in Foucault's intellectual and philosophical system. Therefore, this study examines the rationality in Foucault's thought using a descriptive-analytical method. In this context, relevant documents and sources related to postmodernism and Foucault's views were specifically selected and analyzed to achieve theoretical saturation. The research suggests that Foucault views rationality and knowledge as products of power. He criticizes partial, superficial, and local rationalities and instead focuses on comprehensive and universal rationality and truth. In addition, he views educational spaces, institutions, and organizations as reproductions and instruments of power. Based on this perspective, it can be said that, from Foucault's point of view, the ultimate goal of education is to cultivate critical, active, and creative students who can recognize power relations through deconstruction and analysis of texts and social practices and discover new meanings and interpretations.


Main Subjects

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