Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Contemporary Intercultural Studies Department, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Dariush Shayegan (1935-2018) is one of the contemporary philosophers in Iran who, during five decades of his intellectual life discussed philosophical and comparative Occidental studies. During the five decades of his intellectual life, on the one hand, Shayegan has taken a serious position against radical modernity opponents and cultural relativism advocates, and as an Eastern-Third World thinker who has lived- experience the danger of losing enlightenment values in efforts, Shayegan is a defender of social-civilized order and achievements. It is modernity, and on the other hand, due to the recognition of the lack of meaning and spirit in the whole of the Western modernity experience, in the struggle between these levels in the model of planetary human, some approaches to the three stages and some to the three stages (looking at the periods his intellectual differences) have mentioned. This article, based on the early advocates (from 1940 to 1980) and the late advocates (from 1980 to 2017), has tried to deal only with the Early advocates and the main topics of his philosophical-comparative Occidental studies.


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