Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Educational Sciences Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.


The problem of the limitedness and unlimitedness of language boundaries about the reality of things has a long history. In this perspective, with the assumption of language as a "mirror", the question has always revolved around how language can "represent" things as they are. However, based on his philosophical hermeneutic principles, Gadamer largely overcomes the common distinction between word and thing (even between language and thought) and places the distinction in the language itself and our linguisticality. In this regard, he appeals to the "inner word" implied in the Christian tradition and the expressed word in the philosophical tradition in order to show the limitedness and unlimitedness of language boundaries. In this article, while reviewing some of Gadamer's important insights on language, we try to use a descriptive-analytical method to show how and why he goes beyond the aforementioned distinctions. What are the hermeneutic results of Gadamer assuming the distinction between the inner and the expressed word? We will also show that by assuming the inner word, which we can speak only with "stuttering", Gadamer somehow places his project in the Kantian epistemological tradition. Of course, it has some difficulties.


Main Subjects

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