Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Farhangian University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Payam Noor University, Qom, Iran


McNaughten is among the thinkers who pay attention to moral motivation in his analysis of the causes of moral weaknesses. In this field, he explains the views of realism and Non-cognitivism, and by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their views, he points to his own point of view. McNaughton believes that realism as presented by their supporters and Non-cognitivism cannot explain the motivation as well as the causes of moral weaknesses. According to McNaughten, moral requirements are independent of desires; Because their existence and claim in giving a reason to do the action is not the will of the subject; Rather, it depends on his understanding of the situation and only a cognitive understanding of moral motivation can provide this understanding of moral obligation. McNaughton believes in a kind of realism that leads to moral particularism, and based on that moral motivation and even the causes of moral weaknesses should be measured based on the situation in which the act occurs. In addition, he considers the influence of moral principles to be insignificant; This is while the problem of justification raised in Non-cognitivism still remains if moral principles are ignored. In fact, in the analysis of moral weaknesses, McNaughton points to two types of limited understanding and general understanding of the situation and believes that in a limited understanding of the person's situation, he acts in his interest. In contrast, in the general understanding of the situation, the person behaves in such a way that he deserves to be called a virtuous person, and such an understanding of the situation is difficult to achieve.


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