Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Student in Moral Philosophy, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


The nature of virtue is a subject that has been a source of philosophical reflection for philosophers since the time of Aristotle. Aristotle is the first thinker who gave a classical explanation of virtue. In Aristotle's thought, virtue is a characteristic trait that lies in the middle. Analyzing the human soul, he divides virtue into two types, moral and rational. On the other hand, Linda Zagzebski, an eminent American philosopher who is among the neo-Aristoteans, insists that moral concepts are ultimately derived from the concept of virtue. And therefore, he tries his best to provide a precise definition of the nature of virtue and its characteristics. In this article, after revealing the position of both philosophers regarding the nature of virtue, by comparing and revealing points of commonality and difference, we will show how and why these two philosophers differ in defining the nature and division of virtue.


Main Subjects

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