Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


In his Copernican revolution, Kant changed the centrality of cognition from the external world to the subject. In this way, human mental structure provides the context of experience; nd based on that, he acquires aesthetic and imaginary knowledge and finally reaches the understanding of the external world. Although Kant proposes this theory and goes as far as the schematism by imagination, it seems that his views are confused in explaining categories as pure concepts that are completely independent of experience, sense and time. According to Kant's doctrine, every concept and therefore categories must be referred to an intuition. But on the one hand, if categories are returned to sense and experience in any way, then they are not pure concepts of understanding; Although Kant does not accept it, he cannot explain his opinion successfully; On the other hand, if categories are pure and beyond experience and sense, then they must be referred to something; And Kant refers them to the "objective in general" intuition; But in this case, he is caught in the transcendental object; Especially, the characteristics that Kant enumerates for the "object in general" create the suspicion that the understanding perceives the categories with intellectual intuition from the "object in general" or in other words from "Being".


Main Subjects

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