Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Islamic philosophy and Wisdom, Imam Khomeini International University,Qazvin, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Research, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


The fundamental disagreement between realism and anti-realism concerns the "independence" or "dependence" of the world on human mind. The different modes of dependence of one object on another object are; Causal dependence: If a being is the cause of another being, the second being is causally dependent on the first being. Ontological dependence: If an entity is dependent on another entity both in existence and continuity of existence, this relationship is ontological dependence. Structural dependence: This means that reality does not have a certain structure, but the structure of the human perceptual system gives a certain structure to the world. Dependence in individuation and classification: Classification and demarcation of objects depends on the conceptual schemes of the human mind. According to metaphysical realism, not only the existence of natural objects is independent of humans, but also human artifacts are ontologically independent. Anti-realist theories are diverse and each of them claim a special meaning of the dependence of the world on the mind. Idealist theories consider the world and all the objects in it to be nothing but mental ideas. Relativistic theories accept the causal and ontological independence of the world from the human mind, but they claim that the structure of the world is dependent on the human mind. The so-called constructivism theories rely more on dependence in the individuation and differentiation of objects, that is, they consider the classification of objects and the differentiation of objects from each other to be dependent on the human mind.


Main Subjects

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