Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Comperative Philosophy, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Philosophy, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.


The issue of the immateriality of the soul is one of the most important issues that has always been the focus of various thinkers. According to Proclus, the soul is immaterial and the creator of the body so the body that has arisen has arisen. Al-Ghazali, unlike her predecessors, who did not believe in the abstraction of the soul, considers the soul to be single and tries to prove this by using rational and narrative reasons and believes that although the intellect can provide reasons in defense of the celibacy of the soul, the result must be proven through Sharia law. This study seeks to measure the innovation or non-innovation of Al-Ghazali in this field and her agreement or disagreement with Proclus by a comparative study of the arguments presented by Proclus and Ghazali. Both thinkers have argued that some of these causes are fundamentally compatible with each other at their core. For this purpose, in the present article, we consider these causes based on the definition of the soul, the science of the soul, the movement or self-moving of the soul and the position of the soul in the body. The present article hypothesizes that Al-Ghazali appears in some of these arguments in line with Proclus and others with a religious-theological approach and presents his arguments as a religious scholar.


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