Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Profossor of Philosophy, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


In this article, the problem of evil in general, and the coronavirus in particular as one of its referents, is discussed with an emphasis on the thoughts of David Griffin, one of the contemporary religious philosophers. Griffin believes that the evil in the world, including Corona, is caused by the fact that God created the universe not from pure nothingness, but from the primary matter that has inherent power and the evil in the world is caused by it. In addition, by emphasizing the inherent power of self-determination in real beings from small to large, she considers God's power to be communal, in such a way that they may oppose and resist the power of God, which causes the appearance of evil [corona] in the world. According to this point of view, Corona is a virus that has inherent power and affects other beings and acts in the way of its real possibility. Griffin's reason for proposing this view is based on the concreteness of Corona and other evils in human life and that they are not destroyed directly by God's power.
